Christchurch South Methodist Parish
40c Stourbridge Street, Spreydon, Christchurch, 8024
Phone: (03) 980 5002 or 027 428 7356
Rev Andrew Donaldson
St Marks Methodist Church (Christchurch)
5 Somerfield Street, Somerfield, Christchurch, 8024
Phone 027 428 7356
Email: revandrewdonaldson@gmailcom
Rev Andrew Donaldson
Phone: 027 428 7356
Preaching Plan
July 7th 10:00 am: Morning Worship with
Holy Communion
Rev Andrew Donaldson
Followed by Parish lunch
4:00 pm Contemplative Service
Rev Andrew Donaldson
at Whareora, 8 Athelstan St.
July 14th 10:00 am: All Age Morning Worship
Linda Cowan
July 21st 10:00 am: Morning Worship
Garth Cant & Prosper
July 28th 10:00 am: Morning Worship,
Wendy Russell
Our Vision
- Growing & sharing our faith in God,
- Joining together for worship & celebration,
- Living faith by serving others and offering hospitality to our local community.
Our Values
Presbyter's Ramblings
Presbyter’s Ramblings
Following a couple of years in the planning the building project phase is coming to an end, the social housing at 7 Somerfield Street looks to be ready for occupation at the end of July, or early August.
The building progress has been quick and we have been watching the build with much interest.
The congregation is responding well to the welcoming packages initiative. The Christchurch Methodist Mission’s Housing Division is now making decisions about which families presently on the social housing list might move in.
I attended a Mission Board meeting last week (I am a member of the board) where we discussed an event to celebrate the Somerfield Street Project opening. This discussion included which Government Minister and other dignitaries including the Mayor of Christchurch to invite. The occasion would normally include a powhiri (welcoming ceremony) that will follow the Mission’s tikanga (way of doing things or protocols). This will be followed by a morning or afternoon tea and a walk around and through at least one of the completed units. At this stage it is difficult to pin dpwn the actual date for this occasion. Although we do know it will be held during winter. As the powhiri would normally be held outdoors we need to wrap up warm, if wet and horrible we would likely to hold this in the hall.