
Christchurch South Methodist Parish
40c Stourbridge Street, Spreydon, Christchurch, 8024
Phone: (03) 980 5002 or 027 428 7356
Rev Andrew Donaldson
St Marks Methodist Church (Christchurch)
5 Somerfield Street, Somerfield, Christchurch, 8024
Phone 027 428 7356
Email: revandrewdonaldson@gmailcom
Rev Andrew Donaldson
Phone: 027 428 7356
Preaching Plan
Feb 2nd 10:00 am: Morning Worship with
Covenant Service
Rev Andrew Donaldson
7:00 pm: Contemplative Service
Rev Andrew Donaldson
at Whareora, 8 Athelstan St.
Feb 9th 10:00 am: Morning Worship
Rev Andrew Donaldson
Feb 16th 10:00 am: Morning Worship
with Linda Cowan
All Age worship
Dec 23rd 10:00 am: Morning Worship
Rev Andrew Donaldson

Our Vision
- Growing & sharing our faith in God,
- Joining together for worship & celebration,
- Living faith by serving others and offering hospitality to our local community.

Our Values
Presbyter's Ramblings
We`re back for 2025. At the start of a new year, we will be celebrating the Covenant Service on the 2nd of February. This service is special in Methodist traditions.
While not original or unique to Methodism it is central to the core of what being Methodist means. It is a service that is traditionally held at the start of the Connexional Year. In New Zealand the Connexional Year commences on the 1st of February.
Being deeply rooted in the Methodist spiritual tradition it is a service that provides opportunity for both personal and corporate self-examination, confession, renewal and commitment to the covenanted relationship between God and the people.
At the heart of the service is the Covenant Prayer:
“I am no longer my own, but yours. Put me to what you will, rank me with whom you will: put me to doing, put me to suffering: let me be employed for you or laid aside for you, exalted for you or brought low for you.”
For me the Covenant Service calls us to a position of humility in the Kin-dom, Kingdom of God, God`s realm of love and compassion. We as individuals and a congregation make a commitment to walk humbly with our God,
The service acknowledges our God. In this service we commit ourselves to live faithfully, courageously and in humility, trusting in God`s grace, united as a congregation in faithful service.